Your memory is too small to run this application software. 你的内存太小,无法运行这个应用软件。
You then run the application in capture mode to collect the newly added SQL. 然后可以在捕获模式中运行应用程序以收集新添加的SQL。
This is why you can run the application without connectivity to the Internet. 这就是您不需要连接到因特网就可以运行该应用程序的原因。
You can also deploy, host, and run this application in the Google cloud. 您还可以在Google云上部署,放置以及运行该程序。
Next we will run this application. 接下来我们将运行这个应用程序。
While it can run application daemons, it does not run any daemons, such as inetd or cron. 虽然它可以运行应用程序守护进程,但它并没有运行任何守护进程,如inetd或者cron。
To run the application, you must set up the database. 若要运行该应用程序,您必须设置数据库。
In the next section, we'll run the application. 在下一部分中,我们将运行应用程序。
They are extremely limited and can only run application processes, not system daemons such as inetd or cron. 它们具有一定的局限性,只能运行应用程序进程,而不能运行inetd或cron之类的系统守护进程。
Finally, you will deploy and run the application. 最后,将部署并运行应用程序。
Advanced platforms that have a limited instance-level ability to provide metering and billing often opt to provide generalized billing models in which there is a flat fee to run application code. 在计费和计量方面存在实例层功能局限的高级平台,会选择提供通用计费模式,这种模式在运行应用程序代码时会产生固定费用。
This would also be a good time to run the application on a server. 这也可能是在服务器上运行应用程序的一个好时机。
Notice that no coding is needed to create and run this application. 注意,创建和运行此应用程序不需要任何代码。
Finally, run the application on the server. 最后,在服务器上运行应用程序。
To run the application, type mvn tomcat: run which will start the jetty server. 要运行该应用程序,输入mvntomcat:run,这将启动jetty服务器。
It is as responsive as a locally run application or a browser-based application. 它的响应速度将像本地运行的应用程序或基于浏览器的应用程序一样快。
Actual usage billing enables PaaS providers to run application code from multiple tenants across the same set of hardware depending on the granularity of usage monitoring. 实际使用收费让PaaS供应商能根据使用监视的粒度在同组硬件上的多租户中运行程序代码。
Test your code by selecting Build> Build and Go to compile and run the application. 选择Build>BuildandGo,编译和运行应用程序,从而测试您的代码。
You can quickly run the application and test it. 您可以快速运行和测试应用程序。
Once you have associated the interpreter, you are ready to run your application. 关联了解释器之后,就可以运行应用程序了。
This will allow you to run the application stored in flash memory. 这样你就可以运行闪存中存储的软件了。
One of the library files needed to run this application is damaged. 执行该应用程序所需的库文件之一被损坏。
Run the application you created in the previous procedure. 运行在前一过程中创建的应用程序。
When you run the application, a web page prompts you for a username and password. 运行应用程序时,网页会提示您输入用户名和密码。
In this step, you run the application, and click the controls to test them. 在本步骤中,您将运行应用程序,并单击控件测试它们。
If you compile and run the application you will see one big flat colored blue square. 如果你编译并运行了这个代码,你将看到一个大的纯蓝色的正方形。
The "run application as NT service" option will not be available until this change is applied. 在应用此更改之前,“应用程序作为nt服务运行”选项不可用。
The operating system is not presently configured to run this application. 操作系统当前的配置不能运行此应用程序。
To run this application, you must be on the server computer. 必须在服务器计算机上才能运行该应用程序。
As host mobile node must run application program belongs to user; 作为主机,移动节点需要运行面向用户的应用程序;